I'll be out cruising :-)

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Location: Denmark

I'll be out cruising :-)

Post by Boatplans.dk »

Hello fellow Boat Builders,

This is just a quick note to let you know that I will be out cruising for the next 4 weeks. I will have occasional access to my email, so I will answer emails whenever I can find an internet connection. I am sorry for the delay in answering emails and I will try answering as many as possible while I am on the move.

I am sailing from Denmark to Scotland with a friend of mine. My friend is going full time cruising the next year or longer but I am only taking part of the trip for the next 4 weeks. You can follow the progress here www.langfart.dk The site is in Danish, but the pictures should speak for themselves and be understandable in any language :lol:

Pictures = Billeder in Danish :D

Have a nice summer and have fun.
Last edited by Boatplans.dk on Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Morten Olesen - Boatplans.dk
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Post by jem »

I think he's taunting all of us! :P
-Matt. Designer.
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Post by hairymick »

G'day Morton,

Safe trip mate, enjoy :D Sounds like a beauty!! 8)

JEMWATERCRAFT Swampgirl; Wadefish;Touring Pirogue;South Wind; P5 ;
Laker X 2, Sasquatch 16.5 T-V 15 Okwata 15:
Cobia 15 (under construction)
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